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Have you already seen the Plåntz Easter basket?
PLANTZ Exclusive Easter basket 2023

PLÅNTZ Easter Nest 2023


Experience a special kind of Easter with the PLÅNTZ Easter nest!

Discover a variety of CBD products, foods and cosmetic products from PLÅNTZ that offer relaxation and well-being to your body and mind. But that's not all! The Easter basket comes in an eco-friendly fabric plant pot that promotes plant growth and is reusable. In addition, you will receive vouchers for 10% discount on future outdoor and indoor PLÅNTZ orders and a golden NFT for Room 3 that will make collectors' hearts beat faster. Don't miss the chance to grab this exclusive Easter offer and let PLÅNTZ pamper you!

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We spontaneously designed an exclusive PLÅNTZ Easter basket for you. Included are the following products with a total value of more than €100!

You get these products in an Easter basket that lives up to its name. Wrapped in the finest hemp fiber, the Easter bunny doesn't deliver your products in a run-of-the-mill basket, but in collaboration with our partner Gronest, in a 4L fabric plant pot.

And from our cosmetics collection:

As well as a little merch stuff:

What is a Gronest?

The Gronest is a fabric plant pot. The Gronest fabric pot is an environmentally friendly textile container made from recycled PET and fabric. Plants in this pot develop better than those in conventional containers.


    • Ecological and sustainable
    • Prevents round growth of the roots thanks to the air-permeable surface
    • Promotes a strong root ball
    • Promotes the growth of white roots that can absorb more nutrients.
    • Reusable and washable

    Fact: We use Gronest to cultivate the mother plants - so this little hint is no coincidence 🙂 However, we don't use these handy 4 liter pots for our mother plants, but the larger version with an impressive 39 liters!

    PLÅNTZ Gonest

    And the best comes last...
    Because everyone who secures one of the PLÅNTZ Easter baskets also gets the following on top:

    • A voucher that will give you a 10 % discount on your next Outdoor PLÅNTZ order. If you haven't bought an outdoor plant yet or would like to increase your inventory, then the Easter basket is definitely a no-brainer for you.
    • A voucher that gives you 10% off your next Indoor PLÅNTZ order for room #3. Yes, you heard right - not on one plant, but on your entire next order. So if you want to go all out in room #3, this is the golden grail for you.

    In a PLÅNTZ Easter nest, our Easter Bunny has also hidden one of our highly sought-after golden NFTs for Room 3.

    Plåntz Easter box
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